Hello World!

I'm a computer scientist and engineer interested in developing and improving technology, software, and systems. I'm also experienced Full Stack Developer with advanced skills in C++, Python, Typescript, and Java.

About me

> Victoria.origin
 => "Palos Verdes Estates, CA"

> Victoria.education
 => "University of California, Irvine"

> Victoria.major
 => "Computer Science and Engineering"

> Victoria.expectedGraduation
 => "June 2021"

> Victoria.workExperience.latest
 => Latest Work Experience
     company: "Beyond Limits"
     role: "Software Engineering Intern"
     startDate: "June 2020"
     endDate: "August 2020"

> Victoria.resume
 => " victoriaspiegel.pdf "

> Victoria.email
 => " victoriaaspiegel@gmail.com "

> Victoria.thoughts
 => [" facebook.com/tori.spiegel ", " spotify.com/user/torioreo.spiegel "]

> Victoria.interests
 => ["code", "music", "tea", "hiking", "beach"]